Brigette's Technology Consulting and Research Firm
105 Wilson Circle, Newnan, GA 30263 USA

Conservative Political Campaign
Virtual Communication Service Contract

Brigette’s Technology Consulting and Research Firm (hereinafter referred to as the "Firm" or "Contractor"), owned and operated by Dr. Brenda L. Nelson-Porter, agrees to contract the Service to Republican/Conservative Political Candidate  (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractee") Running For In The State of .

Contractor agrees to perform the the following services:

           Increase Traffic To One (1) Campaign Social Media Page
           Share Selective Messages About Volunteers Needed
           Share Selective
Local Public Meetings and Events
Assist with Finding Four (4) Live Virtual Video Broadcasters to Interview Candidate Using Live Streaming
                  Provide Four (4) Specific Discussion Topics with Three Supporting Sources to Prepare for Each Live Video Streaming
                  Create Four (4) Small Banners That Reflect Each Discussion Topic
           Attempt to Find One (1) Live Virtual Video Broadcaster to Hold a Panel Discussion with One/Two Candidates From Other States with Similar Agendas/Issues       

Contractee agrees to the following terms and to perform the following services:


Both parties have agreed upon Seven Thousand and Five Hundred U.S. Dollars ($7,500.00) as payment for Virtual Services per month--for a minimum of 6 consecutive months (totaling Forty-Five Thousand U.S. Dollars $45,000.00).

The Contractee understands that there are no guarantees the services will result in potential supporters, votes, or securing a political office for the Contractee's organization. Once service begin, no refunds will be permitted or issued.

Signatures indicate that is a legal document and service contract. This price agreement is effective for one (1) year from the signature date and when both parties sign. Only changes by an agreed Amendment will be accepted to alter this contract.

Contractee (Political Candidate) Information

Mailing Address:
Direct Telephone Number:   Fax Number:

Direct Email:

Tax ID Number

Other Official Representative to Receive Emails:

Signature: ___________________________________________    Date:  

Contractor Information

Brenda L. Nelson-Porter, Founder and CEO, Brigette’s Technology Consulting and Research Firm
Campaign Virtual Social Media Strategist/Guru
Tax ID Number:

Signature: ____________________________________________