Brigette's Technology Consulting and Research Firm
105 Wilson Circle, Newnan, GA  30263 USA


Brigette’s Technology Consulting and Research Firm (here by known as the 'Firm, 'Contractor), own and operated by Dr. Brenda L. Nelson-Porter, agrees to contract with  as a Professional Research Representative: (Contractee/Non-Employee). Both parties have agreed upon as payment per person (participant) who completes  5 or more of the online mini-research questionnaires in-depth listed in 1 or more of each series located at

Contractor agrees to the following services and terms:

Contractee agrees to the following services and terms:


This agreement is effective once both parties sign. Only changes by an agreed Amendment will be accepted to amend this service contract. Signatures indicate that is a legal document and service contract. Either party can terminate this contract at anytime via email notice.

Contractee Information

Research Representative certifies that he or she is not lawfully employed by another research firm.
Telephone Number:
Tax ID/SSN Number
: (include proof)
Signature: ___________________________ Date:  

Contractor Information
Tax ID/SSN Number
Signature: ____________________________ Date: