All trademarks and copyrights throughout this site remain the property of Brigette's Technology Consulting and Research Firm (Brigette's or The Firm) and the owner.
All rates and information on this site are subject to change at anytime and in any amount.
At this time Brigette's Technology Consulting and Research Firm does
not partner with any organizations that offer the same or similar editing and
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laws. Although not a employer/employee relationship, agency, partnership, or
joint venture, the "Collegiate Scholastic Mentoring Initiative (Female
Connoisseur Program)" is for
independent contractors.
At this time,
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e-Advertisement opportunities.
Unless negotiated or authorized as a user, reseller, or member, at this time the Firm or subsidiaries does not promote the direct sell of requesting parties' product(s)/service(s) or donate funds and/or time to requesting parties. However, the Firm does offer e-Advertisement opportunities.
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The Firm reserve the right to turn away clients.