Purpose Statement
w/Theoretical Framework

The Firm has composed several non-plagiarized purpose statements based on current research. The research were formulated to give graduate students a solid start on composing qualitative studies. In addition, chapter 1 has been outlined, which includes the theory(ies) that will guide the current study. Submission also includes table of contents and reference page. Each complete segment has been APA edited. The following are subjects' focus of the purpose statements.

          (a) The impact of technology on the supply chain management profession

          (b) Devising technologies to decrease the high school drop-out rate

         (a) Managing farm land and outsourcing

         (b) Cult leadership: Leading social organizations using charisma

         (c) Recycling leaders and followers


         (a) Governmental female leaders who have been tortured

         (b) Local governmental leaders and their fight to clean their districts


Research Design or Method

*Case Study
***Ground Theory
****Mix Method

Although listed on the reference page, peer-reviewed articles will not be forwarded. The Firm does not guarantee that purpose statement and theoretical framework will receive professor, committee, ARB, nor IRB's approval. Once payment of $1,500.00 and are received, information will be emailed to the client.