Brigette's Technology Consulting and Research Firm 105 Wilson Circle, Newnan, GA 30263 USA
If you would like for the Firm to locate potential candidates (organization or person) to participate in your study, please complete this service contract.
Learner Full Name: Occupation Title: Address, City, State, and Zip: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: University: Degree Pursing: How Did You Hear About the Firm: Why Are Your Pursing a Master's or Doctorate's Degree: This information in this box will become the property of the Firm.
Describe Your Master's or Doctoral Journey: This information in this box will become the property of the Firm.
$725.00: Possibly locate up to 10 potential organizations or participants or contacts or appropriate secondary data (blogs): Firm will search for 5 days $1,260.00: Possibly locate up to 20 potential organizations or participants or contacts or appropriate secondary data (blogs): Firm will search for 15 days $1,500.00: Possibly locate up to 25 potential organizations or participants or contacts or appropriate secondary data (blogs): Firm will search for 20 days $1,850.00: Possibly locate up to 30 potential organizations or participants or contacts or appropriate blogs: Firm will search for 25 days $2,200.00: Possibly locate up to 45 potential organizations or participants or contacts or appropriate blogs: Firm will search for 30 days $2,500.00: Possibly locate up to 50 potential organizations or participants or contacts or appropriate blogs: Firm will search for 35 days $3,100.00: Possibly locate up to 75 potential organizations or participants or contacts or appropriate blogs: Firm will search for 40 days $4,200.00: Possibly locate up to 100 potential organizations or participants or contacts or appropriate blogs: Firm will search for 45 days
II. LOCATING AND NOTIFYING ORGANIZATIONS OR SPECIFIC CANDIDATES OF STUDY (does not include a report, listing, and/or any specified quantity of potential or actual candidates)
$1,000.00: Notify or Remind possible organizations or participants via email distribution for 5 days $1,500.00: Notify or Remind possible organizations or participants via email distribution and phone calling for 7 days $2,000.00: Advertise a link on this website and notify possible organizations or participants via email distribution for 10 days $2,700.00: Build a form and advertise: Notify possible organizations or participants via email distribution for 15 days
Describe Your Sample Population that the Firm is Contracted to Target:
Only money order or cashier's, company, or Wells Fargo checks or transfer will be accepted. Make payable to: Brenda Nelson-Porter
Total Amount Enclosed:
Terms and Conditions:
Signature: ________________________________________, Learner Date: