Brigette's Technology Consulting and Research Firm 105 Wilson Circle, Newnan, GA 30263 USA
Name: Industry: Occupation Title: Address, City, State, and Zip: Home Number: Work/Cell Phone: Email Address: Alternate Email Address: Education Level/Degree: College or University Attending: How Did You Hear About the Firm:
Why Are Your Pursing a Master's Degree: This information in this box will become the property of the Firm.
Describe Your Graduate School Journey: This information in this box will become the property of the Firm.
QUANTITATIVE Experimental Non-Experimental: (a) descriptive, (b) correlational, (c) longitudinal, or (d) ex post facto QUALITATIVE Phenomenological Grounded theory Ethnography Phenomenological Case Study Case Study: (a) explanatory, (b) exploratory, or (c) descriptive MIX METHODS [COMBINING QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE RESEARCH] Concurrent Sequential
Thesis Proposal or Composition Note. This service does not guarantee full editing of the document. Thesis Prospectus Proposal: For Hours Thesis: For Hours PowerPoint Presentation (PPP) for Oral Defense Preparation: Add $300.00 (maximum 10 slides will be completed) Chair, Advising Professor, or Support Advisor Full Name and Designation: Committee Member's Name and Designation: Committee Member's Name and Designation:
Thesis Porfolio: For Hours PowerPoint Presentation (PPP) for Oral Defense Preparation: No Fee (maximum 10 slides will be completed) Chair, Advising Professor, or Support Advisor Full Name and Designation: Committee Member's Name and Designation: Committee Member's Name and Designation: Committee Member's Name and Designation:
Content Review, Editing, and Formatting ONLY
MLA Writing Style or APA Writing Style ACS Writing Style
Course Papers or Comprehensive Written Exams Individual or Team Paper 1- 5 page Document 6-10 page Document 11– 15 page Document 16– 25 page Document PowerPoint Presentation for Class Project: Professor Full Name and Designation:
Proposal: All Sections Thesis: All Sections PowerPoint Presentation (PPP) for Oral Defense Preparation: Add $300.00 (maximum 10 slides will be completed) Chair, Advising Professor, or Support Advisor Full Name and Designation: Committee Member's Name and Designation: Committee Member's Name and Designation: Committee Member's Name and Designation:
Portfolio For Hours Focus I: Business Plan (a) Entrepreneuralship (c) (d)
Focus II: Research Paper (a) International Leadership or Organizational Culture (b) Transformational Thinking or Transformational Knowledge (select) (c) (d)
Additional Reads Yes, I would like an additional read. Fee is also enclosed.
Total Amount Enclosed or Electronically Transferred: Make money order cashier/official company Bank of America/Wells Fargo transfer ONLY payable to: Brenda Nelson-Porter and not the organization. Western Union MoneyGram may be used for clients who reside outside of the USA.
I have read and agree to all terms here and on price page. I am agreeing to pay for the above service(s), which does not guarantee full composition or editing of the document.
I am including a copy of the service page where prices are listed with this invoice.
I understand the service(s) will begin after payment and contract are received, and revised document will be delivered via email on contracting service hours have expired.
I also understand that my document may need additional contract hours at cost to complete the service and the firm will not exceed the hours contracted without additional payment.
I understand the Firm will not accept any other types of personal checks or payments other than means indicated above.
I understand this contract is between myself and the Firm and not with the University or the University's staff (i.e., mentor, chair, committee members, or Dean).
I understand there are no refunds and no guarantees (e.g., that services will meet professor, QRM/ARB/OAR/IRB, mentor, chair, committee members, or Dean's approval).
I understand that I am immediately to be available to perform, that is respond to requests and/or answer questions (by emails, instant messaging (IM), or telephone ONLY) of the Firm's representative(s) immediately after the Firm receives my document(s) and payment.
For composition contract*, I understand that communication is mostly conducted by e-mail.
I understand that non-response/participation per day to email requests will be charged as three hour (3.0 hrs) per day and deducted from the contract hours secured during this contract. Here, I agree and honor the condition that the mail box rule does not apply here for clients sending responses to the Firm requested by the Firm. If responses are not in the Firm's inbox during the contracted hours, the Firm did not receive the response(s). If responses are not received daily, the 3.0 hour deduction policy will be enforced.
I understand, the Firm may send a preliminary document to the client before the contract hours has expired for reviewing only so the client to see how the project is developing. This preliminary copy will show where some of the client's responses have been incorporated throughout the document, which is subject to change. It is at the discretion of the Firm if and when a preliminary document is sent. Usually, the time spent on the contract and the time remaining on the contract are indicated. Note the size of the document at this time.
I understand there will be no personal visits (e.g., in home or in restaurants) visits with the client (i.e., the learner).
I understand that for the article search, the Firm is not purchasing the rights to the/any article(s), but the client is paying for the time to search for an article(s).
I understand that I am not to forward any tip(s), information, articles, or emails to external individuals, without prior consent from the Firm during contracted hours.
I understand that the Firm do not and will not consult with the client's mentor or chair.
I understand the Firm will not be held liable for any form of plagiarism or approvals for published materials in the document.
Violation of terms at any time may or will result in cancellation or non-renewal of contract (additional reads or reviews) with the research firm (parent company) and the firms' subsidiaries, and no payment will not be refunded.
Here, I understand that this is a legal binding service contract and not a contract for the sale of goods or tangible products. I further understand any legal disputes associated with this contract has to be mitigated in the State of Georgia (Newnan).
Signature: __________________________________, Master-Level Learner Date: