Brigette's Technology Consulting and Research Firm
105 Wilson Circle, Newnan, GA 30263 USA

Statement of Claim of Veterans Service Contract

Brigette’s Technology Consulting and Research Firm (hereinafter referred to as the "Firm" or "Contractor"), owned and operated by Dr. Brenda L. Nelson-Porter, agrees to contract the Firm's Statement of PTSD Other: Claim Preparation service to (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractee").  This Service Contract aims to enhance statements of claims (SOCs) with supporting research evidence to submit to the Veterans Administration (VA) or present that the VA possibly erred in a prior decision.

Case Information:

Case Number:
Claimant Full Name: 

Submission Process Type: Initial Submission   Appeal Submission

Main Issues To Be Defended:

How Condition Impacted Everyday Professional and Personal Lifesyle:

agrees to perform the following services:

Contractee agrees to the terms and to perform the following services:

Additional Terms and Conditions:

Contractee Identification Information:

Address/City, State, Zip:
Telephone Number:    Fax Number:

_____________________________________________________     Date:

Contractor Identification Information:

Brenda L. Nelson-Porter, ND, DM, Founder, Brigette’s Technology Consulting and Research Firm
Researcher, Statement Reviser, Neutral, Qualitative Data Analyst
Phone: 770-251-6765    Email:

Signature: _____________________________________________________     Date: