Medical Research is Warranted to Improve Communications and Learning within Academic Settings, whether Virtually or on Onsite.
Medical Representatives,
serving as
Visionary Mentors, within an Academic Environment Should be Available to Ensure that Academic Leaders and Learners are Effective Communicators and Contributors to Protect the Health and Reputation of Educational Systems and Stakeholders. University Representatives Who Understand How Medical Issues, such as Experiencing Perimenopause or Viropause, Relate to Learning at Universities That Offer Medical
Advise at No or Minimum Cost to Faculty and Learners Demonstrate Good Faith to Promoting Healthy Learning for All Parties. Brigette's Technology Consulting and Research Firm has Constructed Research Questions Derived from Medical Sources to Record Experiences Aimed to Prompt Educational Systems to Consider Restructuring to Enhance the Quality of Communication and
Learning Improving the Overall Health of Academia.