Objective: To Determine Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, And Threats (SWOT)
Symbol: Represents Time
~ The Time Has Been Born When All Entrepreneurs Can Unite and Form a Universal
Campaign Action Plan
Two months prior to the commencement of 'National Mentoring Week,' entrepreneurs are to compose a correspondence to a corporate or government executive, senior executive, or official, who the entrepreneur does not personally know, asking one of these leaders to be a virtual mentor for one (1) week. The correspondence is to provide a brief discussion of the entrepreneur's experiences and business objectives. After acceptance, mentors and entrepreneurs are to engage in the following daily dialog. Entrepreneurs are to maintain a journal. At the end of the journey, entrepreneurs will write and distribute a brief scenario to share with other entrepreneurs (e.g. in Blog format). Mentors' contact information should not to be disclosed.
Day OneDay Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven
Brigette's Technology Consulting and Research Firm
Dissertation Consulting (IDC)