Brigette's Natural Healthcare Research and Laboratory Division
Brenda Nelson-Porter, ND, DM, MIT
~If you are currently experiencing a
medical emergency, call 911~
Initial Virtual Research Project
If you are a Professional Licensed Medical
Practitioner and would like to have research conducted about natural health
remedies associated with sports body stress,
please complete the following form and submit $5,500 USD payment for services to via
Paypal or
Dwolla with the following message in bold:
I understand this natural healthcare research service provider (Brigette's Natural
Healthcare Academia Research Firm) is to provide me one (1) five (5)-page document
to include suggestions to approach the underlying cause(s) of the symptoms I have indicated in the form
I understand this is a natural healthcare research service and a not medical service
that diagnoses diseases and/or administers prescription medications.
I further understand there is no refunds and no guarantees associated with the
outcome of the research findings.
Once completed form (in English) and payment are
received, practitioners will be provided a five-page (5) document within 20
business days of submission to include research findings on how to approach the
symptoms related to sports body stress.
If the practitioners desire further research, click here:
The Firm Research Projects: The Firm Would Appreciate Your Participation. Thank You.
Brigette's Technology Consulting and Research Firm
Brigette's Natural Healthcare Research and Laboratory
All Rights Reserved Worldwide